Is it possible do this processing.gif in drawbot?

    1. Changing the bezier-handle is a simple as calculating a point between two extremes, based on a percentage, based on how far you are in your animation.

    (Check out to create smoother animations)

    frames = 12
    def draw_segment(percentage):
        first_point = (-500, 0)
        first_control_point_convex = (-500, 185.191467285156)
        first_control_point_concave = (-350.388183585986, 86.410583482659)
        second_control_point_convex = (-399.316345214836, 346.863525390625)
        second_control_point_concave = (-249.704528786313,248.082641579087)
        second_point = (-249.704528808587, 433.274108886719)
        # Calculate in-between points based on percentage
        fcpcx = first_control_point_convex[0] + percentage * (first_control_point_concave[0] - first_control_point_convex[0])
        fcpcy = first_control_point_convex[1] + percentage * (first_control_point_concave[1] - first_control_point_convex[1])
        scpcx = second_control_point_convex[0] + percentage * (second_control_point_concave[0] - second_control_point_convex[0])
        scpcy = second_control_point_convex[1] + percentage * (second_control_point_concave[1] - second_control_point_convex[1])
        first_control_point = (fcpcx, fcpcy)
        second_control_point = (scpcx, scpcy)
        # Make and draw path
        bez = BezierPath()
        bez.curveTo(first_control_point, second_control_point, second_point)
    def draw_hexagon(percentage):
        for i in range(6):
            with savedState():
                scale(0.5, 0.5)
                rotate(i * 60, center=(0, 0))
    for i in range(frames):
        percentage = i / frames
    for i in range(frames, 0, -1):
        percentage = i / frames


    1. I don’t think you need a radial grid.

    If you base the timing of the animation of one hexagon on its distance to the center point, I believe you get the same effect as in your example.

  • admin

    an other solution!

    # amount of corners, 6 will create a hexagon
    corners = 6
    # the radius of the circle
    radius = 100
    # amount of frames
    frames = 24
    # calculate the step in radians of each corner
    angleStep = pi * 2 / corners
    # calculate the distance between each point on the circle
    # based on the cos, sin of the angle the opposite 'c' can be
    # calculated with pythagoras 
    distance = sqrt((radius - cos(angleStep) * radius) ** 2 + (sin(angleStep) * radius) ** 2)
    # calculate the offcurve handle length
    offCurveLength = distance * 0.38
    # the extremes of factors we would like to use
    minFactor = .3
    maxFactor = 2 
    # start the loop
    for i in range(frames):
        # calculate a factor and normalize so it goes from 0 -> 1 -> 0
        # to create a loop
        factor = i / (frames) * 2
        if factor > 1:
            factor = 2 - factor
        # interpolate the factor with our min max settings
        factor = minFactor + (maxFactor - minFactor) * factor
        # create a new page
        newPage(radius * 4, radius * 4)
        # draw a white background (gifs dont have an alpha value)
        with savedState():
            rect(0, 0, width(), height())
        # translate to the middle
        translate(width() / 2, height() / 2)
        # create a pen
        pen = BezierPath()
        # use the pen as a point pen
        # so we can just add point instead of segments
        # start a loop over all corners
        for i in range(corners):
            # get the angle of each corner
            angle = angleStep * i    
            # get the x, y position based on the angle and radius    
            x = cos(angle) * radius
            y = sin(angle) * radius            
            # get the off curces based on the hooked angle (+90Β°) 
            # and multiply by the factor         
            offx1 = (x + cos(angle + pi / 2) * offCurveLength) * factor
            offy1 = (y + sin(angle + pi / 2) * offCurveLength) * factor
            offx2 = (x - cos(angle + pi / 2) * offCurveLength) * factor
            offy2 = (y - sin(angle + pi / 2) * offCurveLength) * factor
            # add the point to the point pen path
            pen.addPoint((offx2, offy2))
            pen.addPoint((x, y), segmentType="curve")
            pen.addPoint((offx1, offy1))        
        # tell the path the drawing is done
        # draw the path
        stroke(1, 0, 1, 1)
    # save the gif


  • A simple example of how to move the wave through a grid of dots. The position of the dots does not matter.

    @frederik probably has a better and more robust solution for this also πŸ˜ƒ


  • frames = 24
    page_size = 1000
    grid_size = 20
    grid_spacing = page_size / grid_size
    min_dot_size = 10
    max_dot_size = 50
    radius = 100
    def draw_dot(center, diameter): 
        x = center[0] - diameter / 2
        y = center[1] - diameter / 2
        oval(x, y, diameter, diameter)
    for f in range(frames):
        percentage_animated = f / frames
        rect(0, 0, page_size, page_size)
        for row in range(grid_size):
            for column in range(grid_size):
                x = row * grid_spacing + grid_spacing / 2
                y = column * grid_spacing + grid_spacing / 2
                # Calculate distance from (x,y) of the dot to the center of the page
                distance = pow( (pow(x - page_size / 2, 2 ) + pow(y - page_size / 2, 2)), 0.5)
                # The wave must seem to move, so for every frame in the 
                # animation, add a precentage of the length of the wave.
                # Add or substract to change direction.
                distance = distance - percentage_animated * radius * 2
                # Use modulo to get a distance between 0 and double the radius
                distance = distance % (radius * 2)
                # The wave has a lenghth of double the radius. In the 
                # first halve of the lenght, the dots get larger, in the 
                # second halve the dots get smaller.
                # So, we calculate a percentage between 0 and 2, and when
                # the percentage is larger than 1, we count backwards.
                percentage = distance / radius
                if percentage > 1:
                    percentage = 2 - percentage
                dot_size = min_dot_size + percentage * (max_dot_size - min_dot_size)
                draw_dot((x,y), dot_size)

  • Almost the same code, but instead of drawing a grid we draw 1000 circles randomly. As they have to stay in the same place, we save their locations in an array.

    (Also in this script some nice code to have if you want to publish animated gifs; a way to reduce the colours in the gif.)

    import random
    import struct
    frames = 24
    page_size = 1000
    number_of_circles = 1000
    min_dot_size = 10
    max_dot_size = 70
    radius = 200
    # create color table for gif
    table = b""
    greys = [0,85,170,255]
    for i in greys:
        r = struct.pack(">B", i)
        g = struct.pack(">B", i)
        b = struct.pack(">B", i)
        table += r + g + b # + a
    def draw_dot(center, diameter): 
        x = center[0] - diameter / 2
        y = center[1] - diameter / 2
        oval(x, y, diameter, diameter)
    # Generate circles, randomly distributed
    circles = []
    for i in range(number_of_circles):
        x = random.randint(0,page_size)
        y = random.randint(0,page_size)
    for f in range(frames):
        percentage_animated = f / frames
        rect(0, 0, page_size, page_size)
        for c in circles:
            x = c[0]
            y = c[1]
            distance = pow( (pow(x - page_size / 2, 2 ) + pow(y - page_size / 2, 2)), 0.5)
            distance = distance - percentage_animated * radius * 2
            distance = distance % (radius * 2)
            percentage = distance / radius
            if percentage > 1:
                percentage = 2 - percentage
            dot_size = min_dot_size + percentage * (max_dot_size - min_dot_size)
            draw_dot((x,y), dot_size)
    saveImage("animated.gif", imageGIFRGBColorTable = table)


  • @monomonnik
    How could you figure out the control-points and the second point for the segment (your first code snippet)?
    (My "solution" would be, draw it in illustrator at the right coordinates, and copy/paste the numbers to drawbot.)

  • It's fantastic, what is possible in drawbot!
    Thank you @monomonnik for your great help!
    Also @frederik for other interesting solutions! Thank you both πŸ€—

    Some really new topics to me, and I need some time to understand step by (small) step.

  • @pi That is exactly my solution. It’s not elegant, but it’s quick and it works.

    Below is the Applescript I used. If you name your paths in Illustrator and put the names in pathNames it will copy the coordinates of the points and corresponding control points to an array you can paste in DrawBot.

    on run
    	set pathNames to {"segment_concave"}
    	set pathsArray to "segment = ["
    	tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
    		set docRef to current document
    		repeat with pathName in pathNames
    			set pointsArray to "["
    			set itemRef to path item pathName of docRef
    			set pointsRef to every path point of itemRef
    			repeat with pointRef in pointsRef
    				-- anchor point
    				set pointAsString to "["
    				set x to my string_float(item 1 of anchor of pointRef)
    				set y to my string_float(item 2 of anchor of pointRef)
    				set pointAsString to pointAsString & "(" & x & "," & y & "), "
    				-- left bcp
    				set x to my string_float(item 1 of left direction of pointRef)
    				set y to my string_float(item 2 of left direction of pointRef)
    				set pointAsString to pointAsString & "(" & x & "," & y & "), "
    				-- right bcp
    				set x to my string_float(item 1 of right direction of pointRef)
    				set y to my string_float(item 2 of right direction of pointRef)
    				set pointAsString to pointAsString & "(" & x & "," & y & ")"
    				set pointAsString to pointAsString & "]"
    				set pointsArray to pointsArray & pointAsString & ", "
    			end repeat
    			set pointsArrayLength to length of pointsArray
    			set pointsArray to (characters 1 through (pointsArrayLength - 2) of pointsArray) as string
    			set pointsArray to pointsArray & "]"
    			set pathsArray to pathsArray & pointsArray & ", "
    		end repeat
    		set pathsArrayLength to length of pathsArray
    		set pathsArray to (characters 1 through (pathsArrayLength - 2) of pathsArray) as string
    		set pathsArray to pathsArray & "]"
    	end tell
    	set the clipboard to pathsArray
    	log pathsArray
    end run
    on string_float(s)
    	set s to s as string
    	set new_s to ""
    	repeat with c in s
    		if c as string is equal to "," then set c to "."
    		set new_s to new_s & c as string
    	end repeat
    	return new_s
    end string_float

  • @frederik: Why is it 0.38?

    # calculate the offcurve handle length
    offCurveLength = distance * 0.38

    Still a few things I don't understand so far.
    And I didn't find out, how to have one color for the circle, and a second color for the star.

    BUT IT WORKS, thanks to all your inputs!
    And it's fun to figure things out (if there's no deadline πŸ˜…).
    This is my result (probably not with a very clean code...):

    frames = 36
    ## circleHex
    corners = 6
    radius_hex = 3*8
    angleStep = pi * 2 / corners             # = 1.0471975511965976
    distance_hex = sqrt((radius_hex - cos(angleStep)*radius_hex) **2 + (sin(angleStep)*radius_hex) **2) # =radius_hex
    offCurveLength = distance_hex * 0.38
    minFactor = .6
    maxFactor = 1 
    grid_spacingX = radius_hex/3 * 4          # 32
    grid_spacingY = 28                        # radius_hex/3 * 4 - 4  --> doesn's work
    stepsX = 27
    stepsY = 15
    pageW = 24*grid_spacingX + 2*radius_hex    # 816
    pageH = 14*grid_spacingY + 2*radius_hex    # 440
    radius_wave = pageW/4
    for f in range(frames):
        newPage(pageW, pageH)    
        rect(0, 0, pageW, pageH)
        ##  circleHex
        factor = f / frames * 2
        if factor > 1:
            factor = 2 - factor
        percentage_animated = f / frames
        for row in range(stepsX):
            for column in range(stepsY):
                x = row * grid_spacingX
                y = column * grid_spacingY
                # Calculate distance from (x,y) of each circleHex to the center of the page
                distance = pow( (pow(x - pageW/2, 2 ) + pow(y - pageH/2 + grid_spacingY, 2)), 0.5)
                # The wave must seem to move, so for every frame in the 
                # animation, add a precentage of the length of the wave.
                # Add or substract to change direction.
                distance = distance - percentage_animated * radius_wave * 2
                # Use modulo to get a distance between 0 and double the radius
                distance = distance % (radius_wave * 2)
                # The wave has a lenghth of double the radius. In the 
                # first halve of the lenght, the dots get larger, in the 
                # second halve the dots get smaller.
                # So, we calculate a percentage between 0 and 2, and when
                # the percentage is larger than 1, we count backwards.
                percentage = distance / radius_wave
                if percentage > 1:
                    percentage = 2 - percentage
                # interpolate the factor with our min max settings
                factor = minFactor + percentage * (maxFactor - minFactor)
                fill(0.8,0,0.8, .3)
                with savedState():
                    if y in range(0, pageH, grid_spacingY*2):
                        pen = BezierPath()
                        translate(x + radius_hex - grid_spacingX/2, y + radius_hex)
                        for i in range(corners):
                            angle = angleStep * i    
                            x = cos(angle) * radius_hex
                            y = sin(angle) * radius_hex
                            offx1 = (x + cos(angle + pi / 2) * offCurveLength) * factor
                            offy1 = (y + sin(angle + pi / 2) * offCurveLength) * factor           
                            offx2 = (x - cos(angle + pi / 2) * offCurveLength) * factor
                            offy2 = (y - sin(angle + pi / 2) * offCurveLength) * factor
                            pen.addPoint((offx2, offy2))
                            pen.addPoint((x, y), segmentType="curve")
                            pen.addPoint((offx1, offy1))        
                        pen = BezierPath()
                        translate(x + radius_hex - grid_spacingX, y + radius_hex)
                        for i in range(corners):
                            angle = angleStep * i    
                            x = cos(angle) * radius_hex
                            y = sin(angle) * radius_hex
                            offx1 = (x + cos(angle + pi / 2) * offCurveLength) * factor
                            offy1 = (y + sin(angle + pi / 2) * offCurveLength) * factor           
                            offx2 = (x - cos(angle + pi / 2) * offCurveLength) * factor
                            offy2 = (y - sin(angle + pi / 2) * offCurveLength) * factor
                            pen.addPoint((offx2, offy2))
                            pen.addPoint((x, y), segmentType="curve")
                            pen.addPoint((offx1, offy1))        

  • hex-wave_v13-hardLight-36frames.gif

  • admin

    @pi said in Is it possible do this processing.gif in drawbot?:

    @frederik: Why is it 0.38?

    the handle of the off curve is 38% of the distance between the oncurve points, that seems to be generating nice curves πŸ™‚

  • @frederik
    Cool, thanks - less math, more trying out πŸ™‚

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