Drawbot Preferences
Hi! Just wanted to ask where DrawBot stores its preferences. I looked in ~/Library/Preferences and ~/Library/Application support and couldn't find anything.
Not that there's a lot of preferences, but I'm setting up a new Mac and I'd love not to have to set all my colors by hand. Also it'd be nice to share with others.
I have them set up the same as RoboFont and SublimeText and my terminal etc… I'm just fuzzy like that.
@rohernandezz You don’t have ~/Library/Preferences/com.drawbot.plist ?
How the fork did I not see this yesterday! It's there, copied it over and my colors are back. Thanks @monomonnik!
I (think) I searched for "drawbot" inside the ~/Library folder and nothing came up, but I must've been searching in the wrong directory or something
Hi @rohernandezz!
Sorry to revive an old topic, but have you had any luck importing the preferences? I can see the .plist file getting modified on settings change, but if I move the file to a different computer the colors are not updated.
Thanks for any pointers.
you can not copy that file while the app is open, that pref file is always written when the app closes and will not sync when you adjust it