Hi, hope this helps:
# Get your gif routes
gifsFolder = '.' # Your gifs directory
gifs = ['gif1.gif', 'gif2.gif'] # These are the files I'll use
gifPaths = [f'{gifsFolder}/{gif}' for gif in gifs] # Create the paths for your with string formattingx
# Create a function to interpolate between gifs
def scaleFactor(path, pageNumber, canvasSize): # Get a scale factor to match the canvas size you want
gifw, gifh = imageSize(path, pageNumber=pageNumber)
factorMeasure = gifw
if gifw > gifh:
factorMeasure = gifh
return canvasSize / factorMeasure
def gifTransition(path1, path2):
# Canvas and images dimensions
w, h = 200, 200 # Canvas size
# Define your frames
introFrames = numberOfPages(path1)
endingFrames = numberOfPages(path2)
crossfadeFrames = 12 # Change this value for a longer transition
totalFrames = int(
(introFrames - crossfadeFrames/2)+(endingFrames - crossfadeFrames/2)
) # Get the total frames by merging the crossfade in the middle
# Make a loop for the animation
gif1Frames, gif2Frames = 0, 0
gif1alpha, gif2alpha = 1, 0
for frame in range(1, totalFrames+1):
newPage(w, h)
rect(0, 0, w, h)
with savedState():
scale(scaleFactor(path1, gif1Frames, w))
image(path1, (0, 0), pageNumber=gif1Frames, alpha=gif1alpha)
if gif1Frames < introFrames:
gif1Frames += 1
if frame > introFrames - crossfadeFrames/2: # Run the second gif
with savedState():
scale(scaleFactor(path2, gif2Frames, w))
image(path2, (0, 0), pageNumber=gif2Frames, alpha=gif2alpha)
gif2Frames += 1
if gif1alpha >= 0 or gif2alpha <= 1: # Crossfade transparency
gif1alpha -= 1 / crossfadeFrames
gif2alpha += 1 / crossfadeFrames
gifTransition(gifPaths[0], gifPaths[1]) # Call the function
saveImage('~/Desktop/gifCrossfade.gif') # Save your gif