Lissajous table

  • Here is some code to draw a Lissajous table.
    Change the func_x and/or func_y (sin or cos) and/or add some value to the delta to get other curves.
    Well, actually the curves are just polygons.

    # ----------------------
    #  lissajous table 
    # ----------------------
    #  settings 
    cols = 12 
    rows = 8
    cell_s = 80
    r_factor = .8 # fraction of the cell size to have a gap between them
    func_x = cos  # should be `sin` or `cos` 
    func_y = sin  # should be `sin` or `cos` 
    delta = 0 #pi/3  # some angle in radians 
    density = 360 # amount of points per cell – higher values make nicer curve approximations 
    # ----------------------
    #  calculated settings 
    radius = (cell_s * r_factor) / 2
    step = (2 * pi) / density
    pw = cell_s * (cols + 1)
    ph = cell_s * (rows + 1)
    x_coords = { (col, d) : func_x(step * (col + 1) * d  + pi/2 + delta) * radius for col in range(cols) for d in range(density) }
    y_coords = { (row, d) : func_y(step * (row + 1) * d  + pi/2) * radius for row in range(rows) for d in range(density) }
    # ----------------------
    #  function(s)
    def draw_cell(pos, col, row):
        cx, cy = pos
        points = [(cx + x_coords[(col, f)], cy + y_coords[(row, f)]) for f in range(density)]
    # ----------------------
    #  drawings 
    newPage(pw, ph)
    rect(0, 0, pw, ph)
    translate(0, ph)
    text('δ\n{0:.2f}°'.format(degrees(delta)), (cell_s * (1 - r_factor)/2, -20))
    for col in range(1, cols+1):
        cx = col * cell_s + cell_s * (1 - r_factor)/2
        text('{0}\n{1}'.format(func_x.__name__, col), (cx, -20))
    for row in range(1, rows + 1):
        cy = row * cell_s + cell_s * (1 - r_factor)
        text('{0}\n{1}'.format(func_y.__name__, row), (cell_s * (1 - r_factor)/2, -cy))
    for col in range(cols):
        for row in range(rows):
            draw_cell((cell_s * col + cell_s * 1.5, - cell_s * row -cell_s * 1.5), col, row)


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