Help combining ideas

  • Hi,

    let's imagine I know nothing about python & Drawbot. Can anyone help me combining this two ideas (and organising properly the script)? It seems basic, but I can't figure out the solution.

    I want several Pages with different fontVariations, but I can't make the text with the apples follow those variations.

    Screenshot 2022-07-27 at 22.48.36.png

    Idea 1

    min_val = listFontVariations('Skia-Regular')['wght']['minValue']
    max_val = listFontVariations('Skia-Regular')['wght']['maxValue']
    txt = "IUC"
    steps = 3
    step_size = (max_val - min_val) / (steps-1)
    # loop over a range of 100
    for i in range(steps):
        # for each loop create a new path
        newPage(680.31496063, 82.204724409)
        # set a random fill color
        # fill(random(), random(), random())
        # draw a rect with the size of the page
        rect(0, 0, width(), height())
        fill(255, 255, 255) 
        rect(0, 73.7007874011, width(), 8.5039370079)
        # set a font and font size
        # colour text
        fill(1, 1, 0)
        # draw text
        curr_value = min_val + i * step_size
        fontVariations(wdth= curr_value)
        text(txt, (10, 10))
        fill(0, 255, 255)
        fontVariations(wdth= 1)
        text('variableCider: %f' % curr_value, (450, 10)) 

    Idea 2

    min_val = listFontVariations('Skia-Regular')['wght']['minValue']
    max_val = listFontVariations('Skia-Regular')['wght']['maxValue']
    bp = BezierPath()
    steps = 3
    step_size = (max_val - min_val) / (steps-1)
    # loop over a range of 100
    for i in range(steps):
        # for each loop create a new path
        newPage(680.31496063, 82.204724409)
        # set a random fill color
        # fill(random(), random(), random())
        # draw a rect with the size of the page
        rect(0, 0, width(), height())
        fill(255, 255, 255) 
        rect(0, 73.7007874011, width(), 8.5039370079)
        curr_value = min_val + i * step_size
        fontVariations(wdth= curr_value )
        bp.text("JUICY",(10,10), font='Skia-Regular', fontSize=80)
        for contour in bp:
            for segment in contour:
                fill(1, 0, 0)
                text('🍎', segment[-1], align = "center")

    Thanks in advance!

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  • hi, I think the BezierPath text does not accept variable font settings. You can first draw the text into a FormattedString() and then add that to the BezierPath.

    bp = BezierPath()
    fstr = FormattedString("JUICY", font='Skia-Regular', fontSize=80, fontVariations = {'wght' : curr_value})
    bp.text(fstr, (10, 10))

    hope that helps!

  • Screenshot 2022-07-28 at 15.08.44.png

    Yes it helped, thanks @jo ! However, not perfect yet. Now the text is being repeated the number of the steps I choose in the beginning of the script, when the idea is just to do it once each page.

    I tried to define the curr_value & fstr outside of the loop and then update it inside but it's not working. I need a bit more help 👼

    min_val = listFontVariations('Juicyv1')['wdth']['minValue']
    max_val = listFontVariations('Juicyv1')['wdth']['maxValue']
    bp = BezierPath()
    #curr_value = 6
    steps = 5
    step_size = (max_val - min_val) / (steps-1)
    # loop over a range of 100
    for i in range(steps):
        curr_value = min_val + i * step_size
        fontVariations(wdth= curr_value )
        # for each loop create a new path
        newPage(680.31496063, 82.204724409)
        # set a random fill color
        # fill(random(), random(), random())
        # draw a rect with the size of the page
        rect(0, 0, width(), height())
        fill(255, 255, 255) 
        # draw a White rect with the size of the pag
        rect(0, 73.7007874011, width(), 8.5039370079)
        # set a font and font size
        #text(txt, (10, 10))
        fstr = FormattedString("JUICY", font='Juicyv1', fontSize=80, fontVariations = {'wdth' : curr_value})
        bp.text(fstr, (10, 10))
        for contour in bp:
            for segment in contour:
                fill(1, 0, 0)
                text('🍎', segment[-1], align = "center")

  • you instantiate the BezierPath outside the loop and then draw the text in every round of the loop. just put the bp = BezierPath() inside the loop.

  • Love you 🖤

  • admin

    Thanks @jo!

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