I've been playing around with this lately and have a question.
Following the sample code from DrawBot website, if we take a look at the segments:
path = BezierPath()
path.text("J", font="Helvetica", fontSize=200)
for contour in path.contours:
for segment in contour:
Every iteration we get a list item with either 1 or 3 tuple items with x and y point coordinates:
[(85.64453125, 42.7734375)]
[(85.64453125, 30.664001953125002), (83.8541845703125, 21.2565439453125), (80.2734375, 14.55078125)]
[(73.632779296875, 2.3111367187500003), (61.002697265625, -3.80859375), (42.3828125, -3.80859375)]
[(31.6405712890625, -3.80859375), (22.460975585937497, -0.8952114257812498), (14.84375, 4.931640625)]
[(7.226524414062499, 10.75849267578125), (3.41796875, 21.126227539062498), (3.41796875, 36.03515625)]
[(3.41796875, 46.2890625)]
[(21.6796875, 46.2890625)]
[(21.6796875, 36.03515625)]
[(21.6796875, 28.2226171875), (23.42120654296875, 22.347024902343747), (26.904296875, 18.408203125)]
[(30.38738720703125, 14.46938134765625), (35.8072548828125, 12.5), (43.1640625, 12.5)]
[(53.5156767578125, 12.5), (60.286442382812496, 16.0481416015625), (63.4765625, 23.14453125)]
[(65.429697265625, 27.5065322265625), (66.40625, 35.742126953125), (66.40625, 47.8515625)]
[(66.40625, 143.45703125)]
[(85.64453125, 143.45703125)]
I would expect to get lists of 2 (for straight segments) and 4 (for curves). This is what I get in the GlyphsApp at least.
Are these more like drawing instructions? So the first one would be moveTo()
then depending on what is in front of it would be either lineTo()
or curveTo()
? But then if the last list is a single tuple you have go back to the first item with lineTo()
or just do closePath()