Round Corners

  • The code responsible for the rounding of the paths in a small animation I made.

    DEBUG = False
    # A path has points.
    # A point has only an anchor [(x,y)], or has an anchor and in and out point [(x,y), (x,y), (x,y)].
    # To close a path, repeat the first point at the last position.
    jagged_line =[[(500,210)], [(400,250)], [(600,350)], [(450,600)], [(500,790)]]
    rectangle =[[(220,220)], [(780,220)], [(780,780)], [(220,780)], [(220,220)]]
    circle = [[(500.0, 800.0), (335.0, 800.0), (665.0, 800.0)], [(800.0, 500.0), (800.0, 665.0), (800.0, 335.0)], [(500.0, 200.0), (665.0, 200.0), (335.0, 200.0)], [(200.0, 500.0), (200.0, 335.0), (200.0, 665.0)], [(500.0, 800.0), (335.0, 800.0), (665.0, 800.0)]]
    def draw(path):
        bez = BezierPath()
        for i in range(1, len(path)):
            p0 = path[i-1]
            p1 = path[i]
            if len(p0) == 1 and len(p1) == 1:
                # straight line between points
            elif len(p0) == 3 and len(p1) == 1:
                # from curve point to straight point
                bez.curveTo(p0[2], p1[0], p1[0])
            elif len(p0) == 1 and len(p1) == 3:
                # from straight point to curve point
                bez.curveTo(p0[0], p1[1], p1[0])
            elif len(p0) == 3 and len(p1) == 3:
                # curve point on both sides
                bez.curveTo(p0[2], p1[1], p1[0])
        if path[-1] == path[0]:
    def round_corners(path, roundness):
        if len(path) > 2:
            new_path = []
            for i in range(1, len(path) - 1):
                p1 = new_path[i - 1]
                p2 = path[i]
                p3 = path[i + 1]
                p1, p2, p3 = round_segment(p1, p2, p3, roundness)
                new_path[i - 1] = p1
                new_path[i] = p2
            # If the path is closed, we need (the handle of) the first point 
            if path[-1] == path[0]:
                p1 = new_path[-2]
                p2 = path[0]
                p3 = new_path[1]
                p1, p2, p3 = round_segment(p1, p2, p3, roundness)
                new_path[-2] = p1
                new_path[-1] = p2
                new_path[0] = p2
            return new_path
            return path
    def round_segment(p1, p2, p3, roundness):
        if roundable(p1, p2, p3):
            p2_in, p2_out = create_handles(p1[0], p2[0], p3[0], roundness)
            p2 = [p2[0], p2_in, p2_out]
        return p1, p2, p3
    def roundable(p1, p2, p3):
        # If two of the three points are in the same spot,
        # we can’t calculate a curve between two points.
        p1_anchor = p1[0]
        p2_anchor = p2[0]
        p3_anchor = p3[0]
        d12 = distance_between(p1_anchor, p2_anchor)
        d23 = distance_between(p2_anchor, p3_anchor)
        if d12 == 0 or d23 == 0:
            return False
            return True
    def create_handles(A, B, C, smoothness):
        # A is the point before point B
        # B is the point to create the handles for
        # C is the point after point B
        d_AB = distance_between(A, B)
        d_BC = distance_between(B, C)
        # Create an isosceles triangle A, B, p4 based on triangle A, B, C.
        # Side B, p4 is the same length as side A, B.
        # Side B, p4 has the same direction as side B, C
        p4_x = ((C[0] - B[0]) * (d_AB / d_BC)) + B[0]
        p4_y = ((C[1] - B[1]) * (d_AB / d_BC)) + B[1]
        p4 = (p4_x, p4_y)
        if DEBUG:
            draw_handle(B, p4)
        # Calculate a point p5 on the base of the isosceles triangle,
        # exactly in between A and B.
        p5_x = A[0] + ((p4[0] - A[0]) / 2)
        p5_y = A[1] + ((p4[1] - A[1]) / 2)
        p5 = (p5_x, p5_y)
        if DEBUG:
            draw_point(p5, 10)
            draw_line(A, p4)
        # The line from the top of the isosceles triangle B to 
        # the point p5 on the base of that triangle
        # divides the corner p1, p2, p3 in two equal parts
        if DEBUG:
            draw_line(B, p5)
        # Direction of the handles is perpendicular
        vx = p5[0] - B[0]
        vy = p5[1] - B[1]
        handle_vx = 0
        handle_vy = 0 
        if vx == 0 and vy == 0:
            # The three points are on one line, so there will never be a curve.
        elif vx == 0:
            # prevent a possible division by 0
            handle_vx = 1
            handle_vy = 0
        elif vy == 0:
            # prevent a possible division by 0
            handle_vx = 0
            handle_vy = 1
        elif abs(vx) < abs(vy):
            handle_vx = 1
            handle_vy = vx / vy
            handle_vx = vy / vx
            handle_vy = 1
        # Define handles
        handle_a = (B[0] + handle_vx, B[1] - handle_vy)
        handle_b = (B[0] - handle_vx, B[1] + handle_vy)
        # The handle closest to point A will be the incoming handle of point B
        d_ha_A = distance_between(A, handle_a)
        d_hb_A = distance_between(A, handle_b)
        # I have to make this better. Also, where’s that 0.8 coming from? What was I thinking?
        incoming_handle_lenght = d_AB * smoothness
        outgoing_handle_length = d_BC * smoothness
        total_handle_length = incoming_handle_lenght + outgoing_handle_length
        max_handle_length = 0.8 * total_handle_length
        if incoming_handle_lenght > max_handle_length:
            outgoing_handle_length += incoming_handle_lenght - max_handle_length
            incoming_handle_lenght = max_handle_length
        if outgoing_handle_length > max_handle_length:
            incoming_handle_lenght += outgoing_handle_length - max_handle_length
            outgoing_handle_length = max_handle_length
        # finally, the in and out points
        if d_ha_A < d_hb_A:
            B_incoming = (B[0] + handle_vx * incoming_handle_lenght, B[1] - handle_vy * incoming_handle_lenght)
            B_outgoing = (B[0] - handle_vx * outgoing_handle_length, B[1] + handle_vy * outgoing_handle_length) 
            B_incoming = (B[0] - handle_vx * incoming_handle_lenght, B[1] + handle_vy * incoming_handle_lenght) 
            B_outgoing = (B[0] + handle_vx * outgoing_handle_length, B[1] - handle_vy * outgoing_handle_length)
        if DEBUG:
            draw_point(B_incoming, 6)
            draw_point(B_outgoing, 6)
            draw_line(B, B_incoming)
            draw_line(B, B_outgoing)
            draw_line(A, B)
        return B_incoming, B_outgoing
    def distance_between(p1, p2):
        dx = p2[0] - p1[0]
        dy = p2[1] - p1[1]
        return pow((dx * dx + dy * dy), 0.5)
    def draw_point(point, size):
        with savedState():
            fill(0, 0.7, 1)
            oval(point[0] - 0.5 * size, point[1] - 0.5 * size, size, size)
    def draw_line(a, b):
        with savedState():
            stroke(0, 0.7, 1)
            line((100, 100), (900, 900))
            line(a, b)
    def draw_handle(p, h):
        draw_point(p, 9)
        draw_line(p, h)
    # Drawing the original shape and the rounded shape, slightly thicker.
    stroke(1, 0, 0)
    rounded_line = round_corners(jagged_line, 0.4)
    # A rounding of 0.28 seems to get me as close to a circle as I can get.
    stroke(0, 1, 0)
    rounded_rectangle = round_corners(rectangle, 0.28)
    # Rounding an oval by zero results in a rhombus.
    stroke(0, 0, 1)
    rounded_circle = round_corners(circle, 0)


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