how to code a gif making a picture transform from small to large and rotate

  • how to code a gif making a picture transform from small to large and rotate?

  • admin

    hope this example is clear enough!


    # path to an image
    path = ''
    # get the width and height of the image
    canvasWidth, canvasHeight = imageSize(path)
    # amount of frames
    frameCount = 24
    # start the loop
    for frame in range(frameCount):
        # calculate a factor, number between 0 - 1
        # going from 0 - 1 - 0
        frameFactor = frame / (frameCount) * 2        
        if frameFactor > 1:
           frameFactor = 2 - frameFactor 
        # create a new page, based on the image size
        newPage(canvasWidth, canvasHeight)
        # set frame duration in second only when the full image is shown
        if frameFactor == 1:
        # easin
        frameFactor = frameFactor * frameFactor
        # translate to the middle
        translate(canvasWidth/2, canvasHeight/2)
        # scale from the middle
        # rotate from the middle
        rotate(360 * frameFactor * 10)
        # translate back away from the middle
        translate(-canvasWidth/2, -canvasHeight/2)
        # draw the image
        image(path, (0, 0))
    # save as gif

  • @frederik it works!thanks!!!

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