Making a loop to save multiple GIFs

  • Hi everyone, I'm trying to generate multiple gifs with a typeface I've created, here's the code:

    #Variable Font
    myVarFont = '/Users/user/Documents/folder/variablefont.ttf'
    variations = listFontVariations(myVarFont)
    steps = 24
    minH, maxH = 60, 90
    axis1 = list(variations.keys())[0]
    minH = variations[axis1]['minValue']
    maxH = variations[axis1]['maxValue']
    axis2 = list(variations.keys())[1]
    minV = variations[axis2]['minValue']
    maxV = variations[axis2]['maxValue']
    #stepH = (maxH - minH) / (steps - 1) # Horizontal variation
    stepV = (maxV - minV) / (steps - 1) # Vertical variation
    #Color converter
    def color_c(r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 100):
        rc = r / 255
        gc = g / 255
        bc = b / 255
        ac = a / 100
        return rc, gc, bc, ac
    #Creating canvas and background
    class Canvas:
        def __init__(self, w, h, o = 0):
            self.w = w
            self.h = h
            self.o = o
            newPage(self.w, self.h)
        def bg_fill(self, r, g, b, a):
            self.r, self.g, self.b, self.a = color_c(r, g, b, a)
            fill(self.r, self.g, self.b, self.a)
        def bg_stroke(self, r, g, b, a, sw):
            self.r, self.g, self.b, self.a = color_c(r, g, b, a)
            self.sw = sw
            stroke(self.r, self.g, self.b, self.a)
        def wrks(self):
            rect(self.o, self.o, self.w, self.h)
        def stroke_rep(self, step, first, jump=0):
            self.step = step
            self.first = first
            plus = self.first + jump
            translate(0, 0)
            for i in range(self.step):
                rect((width() / 2) - (plus / 2), (height() / 2) - (plus / 2), plus + jump, plus + jump)
                plus += self.sw * 4
        def bg_image(self, imgPath = None):
            self.imgPath = imgPath
            self.srcWidth, self.srcHeight = imageSize(self.imgPath)
            self.dstWidth, self.dstHeight = self.w, self.h
            self.factorWidth  = self.dstWidth  / self.srcWidth
            self.factorHeight = self.dstHeight / self.srcHeight
            with savedState():
                scale(factorWidth, factorHeight)
                image(imgPath, (self.o, self.o))
    #Start design
    concursos = ["LH", "AT", "INM", "SB", "Mat", "Dec", "T-A", "LT", "TS", "BC", "CEI", "CV", "CL", "Deb", "ICM", "MUN", "TLA", "Rob"]
    def art(txt):
        for i in range((steps * 2) - 2):
            page = Canvas(500, 500, 0)
            page.bg_fill(255, 255, 255, 100)
            if i < steps:
                #H = minH + i * stepH
                V = minV + i * stepV
                #H = maxH - ((i % steps) + 1) * stepH
                V = maxV - ((i % steps) + 1) * stepV
            #print(i, V)
            w = (width() - 40) / len(txt)
            translate(20, 50)
            #stepH_ = (maxH - minH) / (len(txt))
            stepV_ = (maxV - minV) / (len(txt))
            T = FormattedString()
            for j, char in enumerate(txt):
                #H_ = H + j * stepH_
                V_ = V + j * stepV_
                #if H_ > maxH:  H_ -= (maxH - minH)
                if V_ > maxV:  V_ -= (maxV - minV)
                T.append(char, fill=(0), fontVariations={axis1:100, axis2:V_})
                translate(w * 1, 0)
                #H_ += stepH_
                V_ += stepV_
            text(T, (width() / 2, (height() / 4)), align='center')
            page.bg_stroke(255, 255, 255, 100, 110)
            for i in range(8):
                page.bg_stroke(0, 0, 0, 100, 8.9)
                page.stroke_rep(i + 5,  384)
        saveImage('~/Desktop/PIBA_2020_CATEGORIAS_{name}.gif'.format(name = txt))
    f = 0
    while f < len(concursos):        
         f += 1

    Is there a way to make a smoother animation with the same number of frames?



  • admin

    you can set a frameDuration(seconds) for every frame. This will speed up if you keep the same amount of frames.

    If you want to keep the same length of the animation you you have to use a combo of a higher frameDuration and a higher frame rate.


  • @frederik thank you very much. I think my explanation was wrong, what I'm looking for is for a way to control the Easy Ease speed.

  • admin

    small example to get you started!!

    there are multiple formulas to ease in ease out..

    def linear(factor):
        return factor
    def easeIn(factor):
        return factor*factor
    def easeOut(factor):
        return factor * (2-factor)
    steps = 100
    blockWidth = width() / steps
    for func in [linear, easeIn, easeOut]:
        for i in range(steps):
            factor = i / (steps-1)
            factor = func(factor)
            rect(0, 0, blockWidth, height() * factor)    
            translate(blockWidth, 0)    

    Screen Shot 2020-01-29 at 17.45.16.png

  • and here’s a gist with the classic easing functions by Robert Penner converted to Python. have fun!

  • Great!!!

    Thank you very much, I'll play with it and I'll share the result.


  • 👋 @frederik thank you for this examples, it help a lot. I am looking for an "Cubic" Ease In & Out function to make my animation smoother. But I can't figure how to set it as your example shows. Here is the motion, I have applied EaseIn in both ways. swing-002.gif Thank you again for your help with the three Easing example 🙏

  • admin

    now you are going in both direction with in increasing speed, while when you go back you to start fast and end slow:

    def linear(factor):
        return factor
    def easeIn(factor):
        return factor*factor
    def easeOut(factor):
        return factor * (2-factor)
    steps = 100
    blockWidth = width() / steps
    for func in [linear, easeIn, easeOut]:
        newPage(2000, 1000)
        for i in range(steps):
            factor = i / (steps-1)
            factor = func(factor)
            rect(0, 0, blockWidth, height() * factor)    
            translate(blockWidth, 0)    
        for i in range(steps):
            factor = i / (steps-1)
            # go the other way around
            factor = func(1 - factor)
            rect(0, 0, blockWidth, height() * factor)    
            translate(blockWidth, 0)   

    Screen Shot 2020-03-29 at 14.15.52.png

  • Hello @frederik ! Thank you! it works for me 🙂
    May I add those few lines found on this other tutorial about "EaseInOut" function.

    def easeInOut(factor):
        assert 0 <= factor <= 1
        return (1 - cos(factor * pi)) / 2

    It will add a new graph with easeInOut. It is working well with your previous lines. Thank you for your help 🙏! Be safe.

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