Animation tutorial screencast
Here's an 18 minute screencast that shows some techniques to make animations with DrawBot:
Here is the source code:
CANVAS = 500 SQUARESIZE = 158 NSQUARES = 50 SQUAREDIST = 6 width = NSQUARES * SQUAREDIST NFRAMES = 50 for frame in range(NFRAMES): newPage(CANVAS, CANVAS) frameDuration(1/20) fill(0) rect(0, 0, CANVAS, CANVAS) phase = 2 * pi * frame / NFRAMES # angle in radians startAngle = 90 * sin(phase) endAngle = 90 * sin(phase + 0.5 * pi) translate(CANVAS/2 - width / 2, CANVAS/2) fill(1) stroke(0) for i in range(NSQUARES + 1): f = i / NSQUARES save() translate(i * SQUAREDIST, 0) scale(0.7, 1) rotate(startAngle + f * (endAngle - startAngle)) rect(-SQUARESIZE/2, -SQUARESIZE/2, SQUARESIZE, SQUARESIZE) restore() saveImage("StackOfSquares.gif")
This video is fantastic!This is some fun code to experiment with, as well.
Or should I say...
Hey I'm new to drawbot and python but I'd like to show you my variation of your tutorial.
Thanks!Please post more when you have time!:~)
Hey Van,
I’m very new to Python and Drawbot and followed your tutorial to great results but I have no idea of how to use text instead of a rectangle. Would you or anybody else be able to help me?
at what part are you stuck?did you have a look at the documentation?