Are there any tutorials on how to build Drawbot python files via Sublime?
Hi there,
Are there any tutorials on how to build Drawbot python files via Sublime?
I installed Drawbot as a module and I can build in Sublime but I can only log print statements for now. How can I get the visual to appear/build?
Thanks in advance!
you could save the result to disk and open the result in an specified app with:
from drawBot import * fill(random(), random(), random()) rect(10, 10, 100, 100) path = "~/Desktop/test.pdf" saveImage("~/Desktop/test.pdf") import os os.system(f"open --background -a Preview {path}")
@frederik Thanks! I think I can work with this
How about motion examples?
@MishaHeesakkers animated gifs can be viewed with a browser. see this example