very cool thanks

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RE: Random Lines with no intersection
hey thanks for the answer
but its not totally what i meant
if I had to reformulate it now i would have asked for a function which scans the previous one and creates a random pair of legs "on top" of the other and places it without intersections ans rescans the newly created one again and again .
the basic "idea" of the sketch was how i wanted it
but the lines were too chaotici hope my text is not too incomprehensible
regards David
Random Lines with no intersection
Hi its me again with another problem
newPage(2000, 2000) xMiddle = 2000/2 yMiddle = 2000/2 strokeWidht=2 g1=randint (20,100) g2=randint (500,900) g3=randint (20,100) g4=randint (20,100) g5=randint (20,100) w=1 h=1 def legs (x,y,w,h): scale(w, h) newPath() stroke(0) fill(None) strokeWidth(strokeWidht) polygon ((0,0),(g2,0),(g2,-g3),(g4,-g5),(g1,-g2),close=False) def legs2 (x,y,w,h): scale(w, h) newPath() stroke(0) fill(None) strokeWidth(strokeWidht) polygon ((0,0),(-g2,0),(-g2,-g3),(-g4,-g5),(-g1,-g2),close=False) # def wing (x,y): # newPath() # stroke(None) # fill(0,0,20, 0.5) # blendMode('exclusion') # strokeWidth(strokeWidht) # polygon ((0,29),(g2,g5),(g2,-g3),(g4,-g5),(g1,-g2),close=True) translate(xMiddle,yMiddle) rect(-20,-3,40,40) # wing(0,0) for i in range(4): g1=randint (20,100) g2=randint (20,644) g3=randint (20,100) g4=randint (20,100) g5=randint (20,100) translate (0,+i+5) legs(0,0,w,h) legs2(-0,-0,w,h)
I wrote this code which generates "legs "randomly
now Iam looking to generate these randomly without them intersecting each othersMaybe one of you have a little hint for me
Greetings David
RE: determine centerpoint in irregular rectangle / create "composition"
@gferreira said in determine centerpoint in irregular rectangle / create "composition":
def myShape(x, y, w, h):
translate(x, y)
scale(w, h)
moveTo((0., 0.0))
lineTo((1.0, 0.0))
curveTo((0.7, 0.3), (0.7, 0.7), (1.0, 1.0))
lineTo((0, 1.0))
restore()newPage(500, 500)
xMiddle = width()/2
yMiddle = height()/2shapeWidth, shapeHeight = 354, 242
shapeX = xMiddle - shapeWidth/2
shapeY = yMiddle - shapeHeight/2myShape(shapeX, shapeY, shapeWidth, shapeHeight)
Thanks Mister Ferreira
for your quick and detailed answercan I ask you why suddenly everything is now in decimal numbers ?
this is the only thing i didnt really understandBest regards David
determine centerpoint in irregular rectangle / create "composition"
Hi Iam still learning the basics and i have a new problem !
I drew a rectangle using lineTo commands and curveTo commands
and I managed to center it but I wanted to ask if there is a way to treat the 4 commands more like a group or rect without loosing the ability to control the handles.the only solution i found was to return a distance value for each point
thanks a lot
regards david
for i in range(1) : newPage (5000,5000) xMiddle, yMiddle = 2500, 2500 # mitte stroke(0) fill(0) translate(xMiddle, yMiddle) for i in range(1): #Body translate (-450,450) stroke() # create a new empty path newPath() # set the first oncurve point moveTo((-0, -0)) # line to from the previous point to a new point curveTo((74, -362), (-106, -360),(-0, -900)) lineTo((900, -900)) curveTo((162, -290), (450, -292),(900,-0)) # curve to a point with two given handles # close the path closePath() # draw the path drawPath()
RE: Hi can somebody help me randomize shapes within a loop ?
Cool thanks for your help !
Iam really struggling to find the right information in the reference -
Hi can somebody help me randomize shapes within a loop ?
Hi Community
I would wish that every shape in the loop is unique and not repeatedis that somehow possible ?
cheers davidsize(2000,2000) x,y=1000,1000 ranp1= randint(-1000,1000) ranp2=randint(-1000,1000) ranp3=randint(-1000,1000) ranp4=randint(-1000,1000) ranp5=randint(-1000,1000) ranp6=randint(-1000,1000) ranp7=randint(-1000,1000) ranp8=randint(-1000,1000) ranp9=randint(-1000,1000) ranp10=randint(-1000,1000) ranp11=randint(-1000,1000) ranp12=randint(-1000,1000) ranp13=randint(-1000,1000) ranp14=randint(-1000,1000) ranpc=randint(-1000,1000) ranpc1=randint(-1000,1000) ranpc2=randint(-1000,1000) distance = 22 translate(x, y) for i in range (43): translate(0,+i*distance) fill(ranpc,ranpc1,ranpc2,0.2) # create a new empty path newPath() # set the first oncurve point moveTo((0, 0)) # line to from the previous point to a new point lineTo((ranp1, ranp2)) lineTo((ranp4, ranp5)) # curve to a point with two given handles curveTo((ranp6, ranp7), (ranp8, ranp9), (ranp10, ranp11)) # close the path closePath() # draw the path drawPath()
Moving Anchor point of a Primitive to its middle ?
I think I have a easy to solve problem
can somebody tell me how to center an anchor point to the "ovals" middle ?
and is there a trick to move a primitive itself to the middle of the canvas ?
I appreciate every help
thank you