Hello! Anyone here aware of how to do metaballs in Drawbot? Or know of a tutorial? The only information I've been able to find is for raster-based solutions.

Posts made by brintown
RE: image patterns as shape fill
@djrrb Thank you, this will totally work for what i need!
image patterns as shape fill
Hi there Drawbotters!
Is it possible to set the fill of a given shape as a repeating tiled image?
RE: New line characters causing issues?
This is the text command:
drawBot.text("Starting\n \n HP\n\n \n ¢",(25,145))
New line characters causing issues?
I'm using a text command to write to the page, and on any string that uses \n (newline character) I'm getting this error.
Can anyone help me decipher this? I have had no problem getting newline characters to work on past projects.
Traceback (most recent call last): File "paper_dungeon.py", line 680, in <module> File "paper_dungeon.py", line 573, in draw_shop_page File "drawBot/drawBotDrawingTools.pyc", line 1607, in text File "drawBot/context/baseContext.pyc", line 908, in makeTextBoxes IndexError: NSRangeException - NSMutableRLEArray objectAtIndex:effectiveRange:: Out of bounds
RE: Set canvas size by inches?
Ah excellent! Makes sense... 72 dpi and all
Set canvas size by inches?
I'm trying to create PDFs that are 3x5". I tried setting the canvas to 300x500 which doesn't come out to 3x5" as a printable PDF document. I know there's probably a way to scale the PDF after the fact, but it would save me a lot of time to be able to set the paper size accurately from the very beginning. Does anyone know how to do this?
If nothing else knowing the points to inches ratio could help me set my canvas to a size close to 3x5".
Thank you!
Hi there, I would like to create a pattern, and then mask that pattern with a primitive.
For example, create a field of wiggles. Then mask that pattern with a circle.
Anyone know how I could accomplish that?