Many thanks, Frederik! Both thoughts are very useful and exactly what I was looking for.
Now, I don’t manage to link a callback (CheckBox to use color), which is independent of the update Button with the draw function.
import vanilla
import drawBot
from AppKit import NSColor
# create a custom controller calss
class MyController:
def __init__(self):
# use vanilla to create a window
self.w = vanilla.Window((800, 800), minSize=(200, 200))
# add a text box
self.w.textSizeText = vanilla.TextBox((10, 10, -10, 22), "Text Size:")
# add a slider
self.w.textSize = vanilla.Slider((80, 10, -10, 22), value=20, minValue=8, maxValue=50)
# add a button and set the hit callback to `drawIt`
self.w.update = vanilla.Button((150, 40, -150, 22), "Update", callback=self.drawIt)
self.w.colors = vanilla.ColorWell((10, 60, -750, -700),color=NSColor.redColor())
self.w.checkBox = vanilla.CheckBox((60, 80, -10, 20), "use color", callback=self.checkBoxCallback, value=True)
# add a drawBot preview
self.w.preview = drawBot.ui.drawView.DrawView((0, 120, 0, 0)) # open the window
def checkBoxCallback(self, sender):
print("check box checked", sender.get())
if self.w.checkBox():
color = self.w.colors()
color = 0
def drawIt(self, sender):
# the callback when ever the button is hit
# get the font size from the slider
fontSize = self.w.textSize.get()
# start a new drawing
# add a page
drawBot.newPage(100, 100)
# set a font size
# draw some thext
drawBot.text(f"{fontSize}pt Hello foo bar", (10, 10))
rect(0,50,self.w.textSize.get(), 30)
# get the pdf document
pdf = drawBot.pdfImage()
# set the pdf document in the preview
# clean up
# open your controller