@gferreira said in Grid: w = (width() - gutter * (cols + 1)) / cols h = (height() - gutter * (rows + 1)) / rows Thank you very much, it worked way much better, I also tried to add a margin feature that worked well so now I can design over the grid size(1000, 1000) cols = 3 rows = 3 gutter = 12 #Margin mTop = 10 - gutter mBottom = 20 - gutter mLeft = 10 - gutter mRight = 10 - gutter w = (width() - gutter * (cols + 1)) / cols - ((mRight + mLeft) / cols) h = (height() - gutter * (rows + 1)) / rows - ((mTop + mBottom) / rows) fill(None) strokeWidth(1) stroke(0, 1, 1) for col in range(cols): for row in range(rows): x = gutter + col * (w + gutter) y = gutter + row * (h + gutter) rect(x + mLeft, y + mBottom, w, h)